We have recognized the trend, along with the associated benefits, within the design and construction industries to move from two-dimensional design drawings to three-dimensional design models. Building Information Modeling is defined as a three-dimensional digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. This not only means the complete building can be viewed as a computer model, but each object within the model contains properties and intelligence. With this property rich data, the components of the building and the entire building itself can be viewed, compared and analyzed in far greater detail than previously possible.
With the architect and engineers' design models the following tasks can be performed to aid in the understanding of the final product and greatly reduce design related change orders for the end user.
The completed BIM design model allows for a full and interactive view of every aspect of the project and design intent before construction begins.
Through the built-in recording and animation tools, videos of traveling through and around the building can be made for presentation and demonstration purposes.
The building components can also be connected to the project schedule to allow viewing of the building at the various states of construction as well as a full picture of the progress of each building component.
Using the Clash Detection tool, design and constructability problems can be discovered and identified far before any issue would be encountered in the actual construction process. This allows the issues to be corrected and the design refined before construction begins, avoiding costly project delays.